Overview Format:
- Two Day Event
- Mens & Womens Pairs Stableford
- Saturday 4BBB
- Sunday Combined
- Overall Combined scores for both days
- Hole in One prize (details to be confirmed)
- Entry includes Twos, NTP, Straightest Drive
Mens and Womens Divisions
Prizegiving Sunday afternoon.
Mens and Womens Divisions
Date Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th November 2025.
Entries Close Wednesday 5th November
Draw Released Thursday 6th November
Contact person Denis Tocker clubcaptain@marlboroughgolf.co.nz
Payment Details
Payment by direct credit to SBS 03 1355 0551447 04 with Name & Member# as reference. Please check you have the correct suffix on the account number.
Entry fee $80 per pair.
Important conditions of entry:
1. Each player (and partner) must register online and pay by direct credit.
2. Entries will only be confirmed on receipt of payment.
3. All entries will be acknowledged prior to closing date on Wednesday 5th November.
4. Players of all handicaps welcome but maximum playing handicap will be 36 for both men and women.
5. Field with be limited to 120 (60 pairs)
6. Entries are non-refundable after the closing date.
7. The draw will be emailed to all competitors, posted on www.marlboroughgolf.co.nz website, and posted in the clubhouse.
8. Your email may be shared with our sponsors. Please make us aware, if you do not wish this to happen.
9. Report to starter 45 minutes prior to tee off time.
10. Results will be available on www.marlboroughgolf.co.nz and at the club house.
11. Any special requests please email to entries@marlboroughgolf.co.nz
12. A limited number of carts are available, carts possibly will be on a share basis.
13. Cancellations and enquiries email clubcaptain@marlboroughgolf.co.nz
14. If necessary winners will be decided on countback.
We look forward to hosting you at MGC.